Science Based Approach

We come from a science background, so the first thing we wanted to do was to understand all we could about swimming pools and spas.  And to question everything.  We've now started to translate these unique pool insights into technology-based solutions that all our customers can benefit from.

Our new Pool Sentry Box includes  intelligent control of circulation pump speed

Our new Pool Sentry Box includes  intelligent control of circulation pump speed


    • Is the sanitisation effective?
    • Are disinfection by-products under control?
    • Is your filtration removing Cryptosporidium-sized particles quickly and effectively?
    • Is the composition of the air in the pool hall within safe long-term exposure limits?
    • Is your water circulation rate providing effective filtration and sanitisation with optimal energy use?
    • Are there any aspects of your water chemistry that are having adverse effects on the pool environment, or wasting chemicals?
    • Are you wasting water, chemicals and electricity?

    Our research activities have provided us with a set of unique tools to address all the above issues. These are tools that can help you in very practical ways to run your pools more effectively and efficiently. The first step is for us to audit your pool to highlight where improvements could immediately be made.