QEII Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre

QEII Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre, De Montfort University Leicester

The QEII Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre has cut its electricity use by 20% following energy saving measures championed by the leisure centre staff.

The collaborative project between the Estates & Commercial Services Energy Team and Louis Gavin, Duty Officer at the centre, has helped to reduce electricity use over the past 11 months. The project involved installing variable speeds drives (together with Pool Sentry intelligent control) on circulation pumps for the swimming pool. This has resulted in electricity costs being approximately £20,000 lower this year than the same period last year. 

the savings

  • Saved £20,000 in electricity in the first year

  • This paid back our cost in just 8 months

  • This also helped to reduce carbon emissions by 85 tonnes


"See the energy newsletter regarding the VSD’s and new controller. Original projections on payback was a 1.5 years. It actually took 8 months. Amazing. I know it was a struggle to get through, but we did it in the end. Can’t thank you enough. Looking forward to the next pool based energy saving job."

Louis Gavin,Duty Officer

The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre

If you'd like to find out how we can help you make similar savings on your energy bills, contact us today.

Archway Leisure Centre

Archway Leisure Centre, North London

Working with Leisure Energy, GLL in partnership with Islington Council reduced their annual energy consumption at Archway  Leisure Centre by 33% with a payback period of 2.8 years.  

Pool Sentry was closely involved in the project planning and the identification of the potential savings.  Pool Sentry made a substantial contribution to the overall savings achieved by implementing intelligent control of the speed of the circulation pumps. In addition to energy savings there were improvements in air quality and water quality.


  • Calculated current energy use

  • Analysed the primary ‘energy hungry’ areas

  • Identified sources of wasted energy

  • Modelled current systems against Leisure Energy’s proven performance data

  • Analysed water use and wastage

  • Compared existing total annual energy costs with the projected costs post capital investment works

Leisure Energy’s audit recommended that Archway Leisure Centre carry out a suite of interdependent works. These were completed for a total sum of £172,000, which has a payback of 2.8 years when measured against savings in energy costs; the overall savings allow for the January 2016 reduction in gas prices. As a result of additional measures installed, we anticipate the annual gas-saving to rise to 39% and continuing at that level – this will further reduce the payback period.

the savings

  • £62,019 reduction in annual energy costs

  • 28.2% reduction in annual gas consumption

  • 37.6% reduction in annual electricity consumption

  • £2,100 reduction in annual water bill

The outcomes for Archway Leisure Centre not only include improvements to the quality of the pool environment but real financial benefits when measured against whole life cost/value.


If you'd like to find out how we can help you make similar savings on your energy bills, contact us today.

GL1 Leisure Centre

GL1 Leisure Centre, Gloucester

2.1 million kWh savings worth £200k since the Pool Sentry system was installed in September 2011. The carbon emissions this has saved are equivalent to 8.5 million car miles (the same as keeping 1,000 cars off the road for a year).

In addition to the large energy savings there was a substantial reduction in the amount of chemicals used, as well as an improvement in the control of the water chemistry and in the quality of the water.

"I am very pleased with the whole system. To be honest I had my doubts at first but once it was installed I was very impressed. I too had concerns regarding turnover times, but the slower the water goes through the filtration system the better the filtration will work. Once our system was installed I monitored the test results, then adjusted the pump speeds on the VSD's to give me optimum filtration and water quality.

I have seen a significant decrease in combined chloramines and the clarity of the water is excellent. Here at GL1, we have four pools and the water quality is second to none. We host the National Synchronised Swimming championships here annually and they always comment on the clarity of the water."

Steve Tonks, GL1


If you'd like to find out how we can help you make similar savings on your energy bills, contact us today.